Adventure pool Bernaqua, Bern

The adventure pool Bernaqua will delight the sport, leisure and architecture enthusiast.
The Bernaqua sub-project offers everything you need to feel good on 5 floors. On the lower floors are technical rooms for heating, ventilation, sanitary and pool water systems. The Irish bath, spa area, gymnastics, fitness, changing rooms, sauna landscape and administration are located on the floors above.
The large number of visitors who will visit the adventure pool every day, with their demands for attractiveness, comfort and hygiene, require extensive and complex technical facilities. In order to ensure the most economical operation of the facilities, great importance was attached to energy-efficient and water-saving technology. Extensive heat recycling systems are installed in all asset groups. In order to keep water consumption low, for example, the separated water from the bath water is used for flushing toilets and cleaning the pool surrounding.
Neue Brünnen AG
CH-3027 Bern Brünnen
Daniel Libeskind + Burckhardt & Partner AG
Realisation 2008
Nature of the building project
New building
Type of building
Swimming pool
Our services
- Basic evaluation incl. room program for limited architectural competition
- Technical planning for heating, refrigeration, cooling, sanitary, pool water systems
- Total contractor tender for heating, ventilation, sanitary and pool water systems
- Implementation planning in 3-D for the coordination
Pool water systems
Stainless steel pool